Artists such as Edgar Degas, Henri Fantin-Latour, Georges Rouault, Marc Chagall, Kaethe Kollwitz, Diego Rivera, Pablo Picasso, Francisco Zuniga, Hans Burkhardt, Karel Appel, Hannelore Baron, Arman, Claire Falkenstein, George Herms, Sam Francis, Patrick Graham, Llyn Foulkes, and other formidable names of modern and contemporary art make up just some of the gallery’s holdings, so presenting a comprehensive view of the gallery’s holdings is impossible.
The answer to that limitation of space is addressed in a novel curatorial approach – “ART A to Z” will be a revolving exhibition, and as works of art are sold, their new owners will be allowed to take their acquisitions home, and the exhibition will be re-installed as required, encouraging visitors to revisit the gallery on multiple occasions.
With the initial 30 works spanning nearly 100 years on view in the initial installation of “ART A to Z,” no fewer than three times that number of works in the que, covering the entire alphabet, but Jack Rutberg bemoans that the collection has no artists whose names starts with the letters “I, Q, and Y.”
Artists Marked with an *Asterisk* Are Presently on View
Others Can Be Viewed Upon Request
Aa *Jordi Alcaraz*, Perre Alechinsky, *Karel Appel*, Alexander Archipenko, *Arman*
Bb Brandon Ballangee, *Hannelore Baron*, *Emil Bisstram*, *Norman Bluhm*, Pierre Bonnard, Arik Brauer, *Hans Burkhardt*
Cc Alexander Calder, Harry Carmean, Eugene Carriere, Maurice Chabas, *Marc Chagall*, Jean Charlot, *George Condo*, Corneille, Rafael Coronel, Jose L Cuevas
Zz *Francisco Zuniga*
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