In this exhibition entitled “Ruth Weisberg: Love, Sacred and Profane,” the artist extends her explorations to the convergence of art history and personal or collective history through layered images which express both time and memory. The exhibition derives its title from Titian’s 16th century masterpiece, Amor Sacro e Profano.
In the centerpiece of the exhibition, Weisberg echoes Titian’s painting, but disrupts its Italian landscape by inserting a large scale modern-day couple passionately embraced in dance. Weisberg says that in creating these dancers, “… I also became fascinated with the history of the Tango, which like Jazz arose out of a culture of exile. Tango is the embodiment for us of attraction and passionate engagement … Overall I hope for a collision of worlds; an encounter between a Renaissance paradise and dancers in the modern world in which a core of mystery and longing persists.”